A Save the Date advises your guests to do precisely that… hold the date in their personal schedules! While it does provide important details about the wedding, such as when and where your wedding will be held, the overall goal of this card is to give guests the opportunity to plan around your very special day. This way guests will be able to inform their workplace, schedule a babysitter, or may even have to change their vacation dates around once they hear this news regarding your sealed wedding date.

Q and A:
1. When should I send out my save-the-date cards?
The average mailing out period for save the dates is 6-8 months in advance of the wedding date.
2. How can I send out my save-the-date cards?
The Traditional way- Simply send out stationery, cardstock.
The Modern way- The online way, or in better terms, the trendy way, which is is to send save-the-dates via email.
The Unique way- Send Keepsake, tangible assets, such as magnets, matchboxes, a wine cork, postcard, or even a towel.
A Save-the-date card is literally a first impression regarding the wedding for mostly all of your guests. So with that being said, make these cards count! But overall, save-the-date cards serve solely one purpose, and that purpose is to have guests mark your event on their calendars.